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Specialist Alternatives Manager

Carrara Capital is an Australian-based investment management firm founded in 2022, by a highly experienced group of investment professionals, with a history of success in working across top-tier investment banks, wealth managers, accounting firms and fund managers.

The investment team is led by Dr David Sokulsky, who has over 25 years of investment and financial markets experience across macro trading, portfolio management, asset allocation, hedge fund due diligence and risk management.

Carrara manages the Carrara Global Opportunities Fund (CGOF), which is a global absolute return fund investing across currencies, fixed income, global equities, credit and private opportunities. The fund aims to generate consistent risk-adjusted returns across a range of economic and market environments.

The name Carrara is derived from the type of marble that the great sculptor, Michelangelo, used to create some of the world’s most unique, and enduring structures including The Pantheon, The Marble Arch and The Statue of David.

Why Carrara

Carrara Capital was founded on a passion for investing and a drive to deliver clients a top-tier investment outcome. We believe that there is a strong need for an investment management firm that is trustworthy and committed to delivering global market exposure with a strong risk management framework.

We consider ourselves partners with our investors and aim to provide them with an investment offering that can be complimentary to their existing portfolios and deliver:

  1. Access to a diversified set of investment opportunities globally and across asset classes;
  2. Attractive risk adjusted returns during difficult market environments;
  3. Active management which can be opportunistic and take advantage of market dislocations; and
  4. Dynamic capital allocation to focus on idiosyncratic alpha.

We also strive to operate with integrity and aim to be as transparent as possible in how we see economic conditions and markets and how we allocate investor capital.

Corporate Culture

Carrara’s senior investment professionals have a demonstrated history of success at large global institutions and are now committed to delivering this same level of excellence to benefit Carrara’s investors.

We are focused on providing long-term successful outcomes to our investors and in the process being one of the most highly regarded and successful investment firms in the world – but this all starts with delivering on our investor’s expectations.

We have a commitment to:

  1. Operate in a collaborative and transparent manner;
  2. Invest with discipline, prudence and thoughtfulness;
  3. Implement best-of-breed processes and business operations;
  4. Being ethical, honest and treating investors fairly.

Carrara has a focus on relationship-building in terms of both its staff and investors. We aim to create an environment that incentivises the best people to want to come to Carrara and stay here by enabling them to grow professionally and share in the rewards of success.

Carrara’s investment team has proven expertise and a history of delivering positive social and financial returns via impact and socially responsible investing. While we will implement a broad investment mandate, we will consider ESG factors as part of our investment process, and where applicable, make an effort to incorporate them in our investment decisions.